The Broken Glass Jar

I find it hard to love myself.
It’s something I must mindfully practice because it certainly doesn’t come to me automatically.
So when I smashed a big glass jar today I reflected on WHY I’ve always felt a lovely lightness–even freshness–whenever I’ve accidentally smashed some glass.
Well I think it’s because I know I must deal with it immediately before I fumble into it again causing self-injury.
That’s self-care.
That’s self-love.
Also the act of taking immediate action counters my overthinking brain. Yes the narration in my mind might still be on worry overdrive, but to carefully look at and observe and notice (yes three synonyms) each inch of the floor and other surfaces to find a glint in the light, an odd reflection–now that’s a peaceful place to be.
Moreover, to see how far and wide the glass goes after it shatters illuminates the widespread impact of an impact.

I want to know what is a bad thing that makes you feel good.
For me the finality of its [the glass jar’s] destruction leaves no doubt and my ability to immediately deal with it makes me feel capable and good.