Gratitude Effect Summit - Wealthy in What Matters: Aligning Money with Gratitude

Curled up in a ball on an old velvet couch which was where my father sat and had died years before, I held my head in my hands, trying to control the throbbing ache that seemed to pulsate down my body.
This echo of pain was just not stopping.
I’ll be honest, I was in awe of it. I was in awe of just how bad my life was and how it kept getting worse and worse. Just after hitting rock-bottom, boom! Another landslide. Another failure. Another experience I just didn’t believe would happen to me in this lifetime– the worst of the worse kind.
A voice said to me– I don’t know who’s, but it was an all-knowing truth which spoke– Nandini, this safe space you’ve been seeking ‘outside’ is an illusion. The real home is inside that skull of yours. In your body. In your heart. In your mind.
And that just isn’t a nice place to be.

And just like magic, my life began to change. I felt better instantly, and my reality transformed.
Enter gratitude.
FUCK! Yes… I was so preoccupied with imagining the worst thing that could happen after this– honestly, it was unimaginable at that point– that I didn’t even realize how vile my mind was. I visualized horrors. Blamed myself. Felt guilty, unworthy. Fed myself trash.
In every which way, nothing good was going on inside. So, obviously, how could anything be good on the outside?
It’s obvious to me now, but back then, it was a revelation.
I responded to this voice/truth: Okay, I think I should then focus on what’s actually going right and really feel that…
I closed my eyes and felt my heart beat in my head. Well, my heart is still beating… I opened my eyes and saw the big 20-litre water bottle across me. I have clean drinking water at hand. I turned my head and saw the lock on the door. My door is locked and I’m safe, in this moment.
With each breath, I found more and more that was ‘right’ in my life– that was ‘easy’ rather than painful.

THAT is the power of gratitude.
Fast forward to almost three years later, on January 10th, I spoke at my very first summit called the GRATITUDE EFFECT, hosted by SAM Morrison Wilson, a gratitude and appreciation expert. Her energy is so, so soothing and calm. I couldn’t have had a smoother, more magical experience.
I gave a 30-minute talk on “Wealthy in What Matters: Aligning Money with Gratitude” where I share a very personal and private story of how my father’s death taught me lessons that I didn’t heed until my own body broke down, along with my spirit.
Watch it here and don’t forget to catch ALL the REPLAYS for FREE (until 31st January) here.